Line grown.

Vertical Bay Scallops are grown deep below the surface of the ocean, in the cold, clean waters of Penobscot Bay.

Wicked Fresh.

Our scallops are guaranteed to be as fresh as they come - we harvest each individual scallop to order. This means we only take from the farm the scallops that will be sold on any given day, guaranteeing superior quality and flavor. No need to use any moisture retaining preservatives that can negatively affect taste and mouthfeel..

Our Farm.


Seed it.

We seed our farm using wild-caught scallop spat from Penobscot Bay. Baby scallops are released into the water from mature adults as fertilized eggs in the late summer months. After forming a shell and growing rapidly through the winter and spring, the scallops are finally hardy enough to handle. Nearly a year after the scallops are born, our scallop seed formally enters our care on the farm during the summer months.


Grow it.

Our scallops live in cylindrical nets for their first year on the farm, constantly filtering the nutrient rich waters in a safe environment free from predators. For the remainder of their time on the farm, they are suspended in the water column as “ear-hung” pairs on dropper lines, with ample space and freedom to grow.

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Harvest it.

Vertical Bay Scallops live long and happy lives, some spending over 3 years under our care. They will have been handled many times during this period - graded for size, ear-hung and pinned, cleaned numerous times, and finally selected and cleaned again for harvest. We hope you appreciate the journey these animals have undergone and the care it has taken for them to reach your plate.


Sign up for our Pop-Up Pick-Ups!

Receive information about how to purchase our scallops that are harvested the same day for your order.